The Beginning!
My mom and I were digging through my old emails, and I found the letter I wrote to the Girl Scouts of Gulf Coast Florida Board of Directors in 2016. I was 11 and a Junior in girl scouts. I had been introduced to aviation from the Experimental Aircraft Association Young Eagles program, and been to Aviation Challenge in Huntsville, Alabama, which both filled me with enthusiasm for flight. I’ve felt strongly about aviation intitiaves in Girl Scouts since I was 11. It is the reason I am focusing on this issue for my gold award, and why I am committed to making a difference. Young women deserve to have access to scholarship resources and empowering communities to pursue their goals, especially those as unique as aerospace. The letter is below. My mom definetley helped me edit it, since I was barely a middle schooler, but the idea and desire is very much present. I hope you enjoy taking a look at it!