
One aspect of the Girls Who Soar program is the lasting impact on the Southwest Florida and national communities. As a 13 year girl scout, I want to make a difference for future generations of young women.

One of Girl Scouts of the USA’s initiatives is to create career badges for young women to explore passions and possible future specialities. They have badges for science, cyber, engineering, but not one for aviation. With only 9% of pilots being women, I knew this needed to change. Similarly, Girl Scouts has restrictions on young women flying in affiliation with Girl Scouts, despite the programs organized by various councils advocating it. With my proposal below, I am urging GSUSA to (1) create an aviation career badge for cadettes and up and (2) implement the use of a waiver for guardians of girl scouts ages 13 and up to participate and fly in private aircraft with Girl Scouts. The letter and proposal to the Girl Scouts of the USA is below if you are interested in reading it.

My personal experiences a young woman in aviation have provided a unique outlook on women and youth empowerment. Girl Scouts has a huge influence on young women, and implementing an aviation badge allows so many more girls to be introduced to the topic, and possible career path. I was simply lucky enough to encounter the Experimental Aircraft Association and Civil Air Patrol program- not everyone has that opportunity. GSUSA has the ability to change hundreds of young women’s lives and provide exposure to so many that are waiting to find their passion.

The petition to support this proposal is below.