• Updates!

    Petition – 700+ Supporters!

    I have not gotten any word from GSUSA regarding my proposal, initiative, or petition. I am hoping to receive news soon from National, especially since the petition now has over 700 supporters! We are so close to the 1,000 mark. With the continued networking and interest, nationally and locally, I am positive we can get there. I am so grateful to all of the Girl Scout councils that have reached back, shared the petition, and advocated for my cause. Many councils even want to start their own aviation program to inspire young women. It is so empowering to see the comments on the petition explaining people’s reasons for signing and…

  • Updates!

    Workshop #2 – Complete!

    The November workshop was small, but absolutely a blast! Due to Hurricane Ian, we didn’t have a great turnout. However, the young women in attendance blew me away. They were attentive, interested, and great listeners. It was great to have some two-on-one mentorship time with them, and share my experiences on a more personal level. We had the wonderful Amanda Grossman as our guest speaker, a Certified Flight Instructor at Naples Air Center! Our event was at RexAir flight training center, giving us easy access to watch the planes take off and land at Naples Municipal Airport. They even had a Cessna and a Jet that we could walk around…