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    Petition – 700+ Supporters!

    I have not gotten any word from GSUSA regarding my proposal, initiative, or petition. I am hoping to receive news soon from National, especially since the petition now has over 700 supporters! We are so close to the 1,000 mark. With the continued networking and interest, nationally and locally, I am positive we can get there. I am so grateful to all of the Girl Scout councils that have reached back, shared the petition, and advocated for my cause. Many councils even want to start their own aviation program to inspire young women. It is so empowering to see the comments on the petition explaining people’s reasons for signing and…

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    Outreach and Sustainability Update

    I recently sent out an email to councils across the nation to gain traction on the Girls Who Soar Program. The more signatures on the petition, the more likely the GSUSA Board of Directors are motivated to make a change! Several councils have contacted me back about distributing my information and flyer below, or even collaborating with me to create their own program. I hope that Girl Scouts all of the nation can learn about and be exposed to the wonders of aviation.

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    The Fly Day! ✈️

    The day finally arrived. Fly Day! 17 girls, and tons of community volunteers, gathered at the Punta Gorda EAA 565 Building at Punta Gorda Airport. We had everything from simulators to drones to crafts for the students to learn from. We also had an amazing guest speaker Sydney, a former Certified Flight Instructor at Aeroguard Flight Training Center. Our two amazing pilots were Bob DiCello and Terry Carbonell, both incredible and generous pilots. The girls had such a blast, and we even got one signed up for her Student Pilot’s Certificate and joining as a member of the Paradise Coast Ninety Nines. A huge success, considering most of the girls…

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    Workshop #3 – Complete!

    This workshop was originally supposed to be in October, but had to be pushed back because of Hurricane Ian. However, the attendance did not disappoint! These girls were amazing and attentive, and made teaching so much fun. We built wing ribs, learned about parts of the plane, made a flight plan, and did a walk around of the EAA Chapter 66’s aircraft. Aviation is hard work, but they pushed through and learned a lot! Thank you to the EAA Chapter 66 for lending us your building for this event! What an amazing venue for such an amazing group of young women.